2nd district
Gaillon. Rue de la Paix
Vivienne. La Bourse. BNF.
Mail. Le Sentier
Bonne Nouvelle.
Boulevard des Capucines

Rue Daunou "The American Dream"

A little air of Broadway with "The American Dream"
Café de la Paix

A Parisian institution
The National Theater of the Opéra-Comique

Le Théâtre national de l'Opéra-Comique

The National Theater of the Opéra Comique, also called "Salle Favart", is a performance hall created in the 18th century, under the reign of Louis XIV.
The Salle Favart burned down twice, so it is a reconstruction dating from the 19th century.
The comic opera is, in fact, the kind of spectacle represented by the Opéra Comique. The term "comic" does not symbolize laughter, but means that the sung pieces fit into spoken theatre. The comic opera is then opposed to the opera which is entirely sung to it.
Passage des Princes

Passage des Panoramas
In 1860, in place of the “Grand Hôtel des Princes et de l'Europe”, the businessman Jules Mirès built a passage linking the boulevard des Italiens to the rue de Richelieu. The passage only enjoyed a very relative success because at that time, Parisians had already deserted the passages: they preferred to walk on the main arteries laid out by Haussmann and lit by gas. The very famous restaurant Peter's still attracts press people and businessmen.
Purchased in 1866 by the Compagnie d'assurance sur la vie (now AGF), the passage was completely destroyed in 1985 and rebuilt without restoring its original decor. Towards the Boulevard des Italiens, the passageway is embellished with a 1930s-style colored glass cupola . the Jouéclub toy chain; it is nicknamed the “passage of the little princes”.

A tribute to strollers and curious walkers, the Passage des Panoramas is considered the first covered passage in Paris. Built in 1799, it has retained its cachet of yesteryear and its commercial enthusiasm. Each window reflects a historical part of the capital; from the Stock Exchange district to that of the Grands Boulevards, sheltered by a superb glass roof, the shopping street is listed as a historic monument. At the turn of its 133 meters of intense activity, food shops follow one another as well as craftsmen. They rub shoulders with many collectors of postcards, coins, autographs and old stamps. Admire the period decorations still present, such as those of the former chocolatier Marquis and the Stern printing house, symbolizing the ambitious town planning of the end of the 18th century. Inaugurated in 1807, the Théâtre des Variétés is still active; programming shows and comedies, it has been leading the passage for two centuries, with celebrities performing there.
Vivienne Gallery

Marchand de vins "Legrand Filles & Fils"

Marchand de vins "Legrand Filles & Fils"
Luxurious covered passage built in 1823, according to the plans of the architect François-Jean Delannoy, the Galerie Vivienne was listed as a historical monument in 1974. 176 meters long and under an overhead light that illuminates the period mosaic floor , display boutiques with refined luxury.
Colbert Gallery

Built in 1823, the Colbert gallery is located close to its great rival, the Vivienne gallery. This pretty covered gallery is the property of the National Library and, unlike other Parisian galleries, does not house any shop. Focused on culture, it houses the National Institute of Art History (INHA) and the National Heritage Institute (INP). However, it is open to the public, who are invited to discover the magnificent rotunda surmounted by a glass dome. The “Le Grand Colbert” brasserie, with an Art Nouveau decor and listed as historical monuments, often used for the cinema, is located at the entrance to the gallery.
The Louvois fountain

The theme of the fountain is a tribute to four great rivers of France: the Seine, the Garonne, the Loire and the Saône. Four female figures, sculpted by Jean-Baptiste Klagmann, leaning against each other rest on the lower basin, four dolphins overlapped with tritons adorn the foot.
The oasis of Aboukir, a 250 m2 green wall in the heart of Paris
On the initiative of the owner of the building at n°83 rue d'Aboukir, the creation of a green wall was entrusted in 2013 to the inventor of the genre, the landscaper Patrick Blanc. With an area of 250 m2 and a height of 25m, this impressive wall of vegetation, baptized the oasis of Aboukir, came to inhabit the blind facade of this building. It is made up of 7,600 plants from 250 different species.
Rue Vivienne,
detail of a door in the national library, representation of the rooster.

Une porte de la Bnf, arbore un heurtoir des plus insolites : un coq fier et majestueux. Ce n'est pas tous les jours que l'on voit un gallinacé en métal se dresser sur une porte, un véritable symbole de fierté et de réveil littéraire. On pourrait presque s'attendre à ce qu'il se mette à chanter "cocorico" à tue-tête pour annoncer l'ouverture de la bibliothèque. Peut-être que c'est là le secret pour réveiller les esprits endormis et stimuler leur appétit de lecture. Imaginez un peu : vous arrivez devant la porte, vous levez le bras, et bam ! Vous frappez le coq d'un coup sec. Peut-être qu'il vous récompensera en ouvrant la porte magiquement et en vous offrant une plume de sa queue pour vous porter chance dans vos recherches. Après tout, dans l'univers de la littérature, tout est possible. le coq veille, prêt à réveiller les esprits endormis et à les guider vers les trésors enfouis entre les pages. Alors, mes amis, que le coq soit votre guide, que la porte soit votre passeport et que la Bnf soit votre destination privilégiée pour des escapades littéraires des plus réjouissantes !

A short walk from the imposing pillared facade of the Paris Opera is Rue Saint-Anne, a tiny enclave of Japanese life amid the bustle of the French capital. If you walk there at lunchtime or in the evening, you will see queues at the most popular restaurants: this is where Parisians from all walks of life and backgrounds come to seek the best Japanese cuisine in the city. But if you stroll through the surrounding streets, after grabbing a bowl of noodles, you'll find Japanese groceries and convenience stores, a shop with an impressive collection of fans and samurai weapons, and the largest Japanese bookstore in the city. town. For a moment, the rest of Paris seems very far away.
La Butte B ergeyre

A few steps from the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, the Butte Bergeyre is a unique place in Paris.