18th district
Drop of gold

Moulin Rouge: Fairy-land in Paris

The legendary Moulin Rouge cabaret, Parisian Belle-Époque mecca and spiritual birthplace of the cancan, still swings its red neon sails today as international crowds still line the outer boulevard to watch the one of his world famous shows. These days, reviews of Le Moulin are exercises in extreme and beautiful choreography - after all, the place has always had that Baz Luhrmann film playing - but no matter how flimsy the dramatic premise, these bursts of color , the music and the high-flying spectacle never fail to thrill spectators around the world on the night of Montmartre
The theater lights go out, the curtain rises... and the whole troupe appears on stage, under the admiring gaze of the public, who find themselves entering the garden of the Moulin Rouge to discover the magical atmosphere of the place. .
"Féerie" is made up of a troupe of 80 artists, 1,000 costumes of feathers, rhinestones and sequins, made in the most famous Parisian workshops; sumptuous decors in shimmering colors, designed only by Italian artists; exceptional international numbers, and the long-awaited return of the giant aquarium; all to original music recorded by 80 musicians and 60 singers.
Drop of gold
Myrha Street

Les vignes de Montmartre au moment de la Fête des vendanges.

La Basilique du Sacré-Coeur au moment de la Fête des vendanges

Fête des vendanges à Montmartre

Les vignes de Montmartre au moment de la Fête des vendanges.
The variations of lights on the Sacré-Coeur basilica in Montmartre

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. Sacré-Cœur is a double monument, political and cultural, both a national penance for the supposed excesses of the Second Empire and socialist Paris Commune of 1871 crowning its most rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ.
La Butte B ergeyre

A few steps from the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, the Butte Bergeyre is a unique place in Paris.
The REcyclerie , Porte de Clignancourt

Installée dans l’ancienne gare Ornano, sur la petite ceinture à Paris, La Recyclerie

Installée dans l’ancienne gare Ornano, sur la petite ceinture à Paris, La Recyclerie

Installée dans l’ancienne gare Ornano, sur la petite ceinture à Paris, La Recyclerie

Installée dans l’ancienne gare Ornano, sur la petite ceinture à Paris, La Recyclerie
Located in a former station of the Petite Ceinture rehabilitated into a living space, the REcyclerie aims to raise public awareness of eco-responsible values, in a fun and positive way.
• THE 3 R's = REduce – REuse – REcycle •
Collaborative initiatives and "do it yourself" are values that guide the place in its design, programming and catering offer.
The Avenue de Saint-Ouen station, now "Le Hasard Ludique"

Devenu "Le Hasard Ludique" un lieu culturel hybride qui replace l'endroit au coeur de la vie du quartier.

Devenu "Le Hasard Ludique" un lieu culturel hybride qui replace l'endroit au coeur de la vie du quartier.

Devenu "Le Hasard Ludique" un lieu culturel hybride qui replace l'endroit au coeur de la vie du quartier.

Devenu "Le Hasard Ludique" un lieu culturel hybride qui replace l'endroit au coeur de la vie du quartier.
The former station on Avenue de Saint-Ouen (Paris 18th) becomes Le Hasard Ludique, a hybrid cultural third place
Le Hasard Ludique
128 Avenue de Saint-Ouen, 75018 Paris
The alleys and dead ends around the Porte de Clignancourt

ruelle pavée bordée de maisons et fleurie de glycines.

ruelle pavée bordée de maisons et fleurie de glycines.

ruelle pavée bordée de maisons et fleurie de glycines.